Joe Bloe Wrote a Book

Hey!  I’m Joseph Bloe.  Otherwise known as Joe Bloe!  Yeah, I’ve thanked my parents profusely over that one.  My dad used to say it never got old.  But trust me, it does!

Anyhoo, so I’m a llama farmer and I wrote a book.  My partner, Pat, says it’s an ok book.  Pat is usually pretty level headed and not prone to flowery praises.  So if Pat says it’s an ok book, you can take that to the bank!  There’s a picture of the book at the bottom of this blog post.  You can buy it on  But not, at least not the last time I checked.  And that’s about all I wanna say about it!  Here’s the link to Amazon where you can read the descriptions and stuff and see if you really want to buy such a book.

Click here to go to!

So thanks for checking out this here blog.  I suppose I will have to write again soon.  Yep, Pat just said I’d better.  No point in crossing Pat!

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